Jüdische Musik

Judentum und Israel
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Kateryna Kolcová - Tlustá
I was born in 1971 in Kiev in the Ukraine where I attended a school for the visually impaired. It was my greatest wish to study singing but with my disability it was impossible to do this in my home country.

I therefore studied at the University of Culture in Kiev a related subject, which was Music Folklore. My special area of study was the music of Western Ukraine. In 1994 I came to study in Prague where I was able to study singing at the Jan Deyl Conservatory in the Lesser Town area.

From the very beginning of my stay in the Czech Republic I have given performances. Sometimes I give my own concerts but I have also appeared with the Spiritual Quintet, with Vladimír Merta and many others. In 1998 I had a part in the film Hamsa. In 2000 the Czech director Martin Pátek made a documentary film about my life called Kackele. Also in 2000 I recorded a CD of Jewish songs entitled Jedyd nefesh. On this CD there are songs in Jiddish, Ladino and Hebrew.

In 2000 I attended the Festival of Sephardic Culture, Esperansa 2000, in Sofia, Bulgaria, where I also gave several concerts.

I do not intend to return to the Ukraine because I am now married to a Czech. Our wedding took place at the Old-New Synagogue on Sunday, 24.10.1999. I became a member of the Prague Jewish Community. In June 2001 our daughter Debora was born, she is of course the most beautiful infant in the world.

In 2003 I recorded another CD entitled Karev jom - Close is the day. It contains Jewish religious songs in Hebrew.

In 2003 I also took part in the Klezfest Festival in Kiev in the Ukraine. It was a very rewarding experience where I had the opportunity to attend various workshops on Jewish music.

In the future I wish to concentrate mainly on Jewish music.

Kateryna Tlusta – Kolcova


Yiddish Books
Yiddish Music

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